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Recipe of Homemade Tali Hui green chilli

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Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe site, If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Tali Hui green chilli recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Tali Hui green chilli

Before you jump to Tali Hui green chilli recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Healthy Power Treats.

Wholesome eating helps bring about a feeling of wellness. Increasing our daily allowance of sensible foods while reducing the intake of unhealthy types plays a part in a more balanced feeling. A salad tends to make us feel a lot better than a piece of pizza (physically in any case). Sometimes it's tough to find healthy foods for snacks between meals. You can spend several hours at the food market searching for the perfect snack foods to help you feel healthy. Here are a handful of healthy snacks which you can use when you need an instant pick me up.

Eating almonds is a fantastic option as long as you don't possess a nut allergy. Almonds offer a multitude of health and fitness benefits and are an excellent choice when you need a shot of energy. Various minerals and vitamins are located in these wonderful nuts. They do, however, have tryptophan-the same enzyme that makes you tired after eating turkey. But whenever you eat almonds, you do not feel like you should sleep a while. These nuts loosen up the muscles and supply a general sense of comfort. Occasionally eating almonds can even be a mood booster!

You don't have to look far to discover a wide variety of healthy snacks that can be easily prepared. Choosing to live a healthy way of life can be as easy as you want it to be.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let's go back to tali hui green chilli recipe. You can have tali hui green chilli using 8 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to prepare Tali Hui green chilli:

  1. Prepare of ایک پاؤ ھری مرچ چیرا لگی ھوئی.
  2. Provide of نمک حسبِ ذائقہ.
  3. Get of ایک چائے کا چمچہ کٹی لال مرچ.
  4. Get of ایک چائے کا چمچہ پیسا دھنیا.
  5. Take of ایک چائے کا چمچہ کٹی ہوئی سوئف.
  6. Take of ایک چائے کا چمچہ زیرہ.
  7. Take of دو عدد لیموں کا جوس.
  8. Provide of آدھا کپ دہی.

Instructions to make Tali Hui green chilli:

  1. سب سے پہلے لڑائی میں ہلکا سا شیرے کو بھون لیں پھر اس میں آئل ڈال لے ائل میں زیرے اور ھری مرچ کو اچھی طرح سے فرائی کر لے کے ھری مرچ ھری سے براؤن ہو جائے.
  2. پھر اس میں کٹی لال مرچ نمک دھنیا ڈال کر بھون لیں پھر اس میں لیمن جوس ڈال کر پکائے پھر اس می دہی ڈال کر پکائے پھر اس کو 15 منٹ کے لیے دم پر رکھ دیں جب دہی کا پانی خوش ہوں جائے اور ائل نیکل آئے تو چولہے سے اتار لے ھری مرچ تیار ہیی.

If you find this Tali Hui green chilli recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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